Research INterest

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My main research interests are nanoscale systems far away from equilibrium and in particular their driven dissipative dynamics. This includes an interest in open (quantum) systems, (quantum) nonlinear dynamics,  topological phenomena and many-body physics. 

In the past I have been investigating nonequilibrium pattern formation like laning and demixing in driven Brownian particles by means of large scale simulations and dynamical density functional theory. When a system is driven out of equilibrium, the formalism of stochastic thermodynamics provides powerful relations like the Jarzynski equality. Generalizing these so called fluctuation theorems to incorporate the measurement device and measurement errors, especially when performing feedback control, has been part of my reserach. 

Furthermore, I explored the interplay of electron transport and mechanical degrees of freedom. In particular, the thermodynamic description of self-oscillation in nano electromechanical systems and their application as stochastic engines and rectifiers. Besides, quantum many-body physics has attracted my attention, especially quantum critical systems and the fate of quantum phase transitions in open system settings as experiments can never be completely isolated. Here, the laws of thermodynamics dictate the way to correctly account for the influence of the environment and leads to a consistent and rigorous framework. Other striking phenomenon of collective behavior in many-body systems that have attracted my attention are superradiance and delocalization. 

Most recently, I have been interested in synchronization of quantum systems. Since the underlying description of the world is quantum, it is natural to ask how classical synchronization phenomena are modified when the degrees of freedom are quantum, and how the principles of synchronization can be stated in a way compatible with quantum mechanics. In particular, I seek to understand how to harness the power of topology known from condensed matter physics for synchronization of quantum systems. 

Invited Talks

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At International Conferences

Self-oscillation, heat engines, synchronization and topology -- the electron shuttle revisited
FQST2020 - International Workshop for Young Researchers on the Future of Quantum Science and Technology
National Institute of Informatics, Feb. 03 - 06, 2020, Tokyo, Japan

At universities and research institutes

Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Spain ( Maciej Lewenstein)

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), Spain (Gloria Platero)

Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany (Ignacio Cirac, Peter Rabl)

Technical University Berlin, Germany (André Eckardt)

University of Potsdam, Germany (Janet Anders)

University of Bonn, Germany (Corinna Kollath, Johann Kroha)

University of Oklahoma, USA (Doerte Blume)

University of Maryland, USA (Christopher Jarzynski, Roland Walsworth, Mohammad Hafezi)
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany
(Florian Marquardt)
Technical University Vienna, Austria
(Stefan Rotter)
University of Vienna, Austria
(Andreas Nunnenkamp, Norbert Schuch, Urosš Delić)
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy
(Rosario Fazio)
University of Potsdam, Germany
(Arkady Pikovsky, Michael Rosenblum)
University of Konstanz, Germany
(Oded Zilberberg)
University of Basel, Switzerland
(Christoph Bruder)
University of Freiburg, Germany
(Andreas Buchleitner)
NSF Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation, University of California, Berkeley, USA

University of California, Berkeley, USA
(Alp Sipahigil, Ming Wu)
University of Hamburg, Germany
(Robert Blick)
University of California, Berkeley, USA
(Joel Moore)

University of Hamburg, virtual
(Robert Blick)
National University of Singapore, virtual
(Kwek Leong Chuan)

University of Geneva, virtual
(Geraldine Haack)

NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan
(William Munro)
Free University Berlin, Germany
(Felix von Oppen)

Other Talks

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Contributed  talks in international meetings

German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Berlin
APS March Meeting, Minneapolis Vegas, USA

Nonequilibrium Physics – Current Trends and Future Perspectives, Bad Honeff, Germany
Non-Hermitian Topology: from Classical Optics to Quantum Matter, Dresden, Germany
APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, USA

APS March Meeting
, Chicago, USA
Extreme Atomic Systems, Riezlern, Austria

Atomic Summer Camp, Dresden, Germany
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting,
APS March Meeting, virtual

2017 - 2019
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Regensburg
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Dresden

Public Outreach Talks

Wenn Elektronen den Bus nehmen - das Elektron-Shuttle
Dresdner Lange  Nacht  der Wissenschaften - virtual (2021)


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Prof. Tobias Brandes
Technische Universität Berlin - Germany

Prof. Christopher Jarzynski

University of Maryland - USA

Prof. Sabine H. L. Klapp
Technische Universität Berlin - Germany

Prof. Joel E. Moore
University of California, Berkeley - USA

Prof. Kae Nemoto
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology - Japan

Prof. Gloria Platero
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC - Spain

Prof. Jan Michael Rost
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme - Germany

Dr. Victor M. Bastidas
NTT Basic Research Laboratory - Japan

Dr. Javier Cerrillo
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena - Spain

Dr. Alexander Croy
Technische Universität Dresden - Germany

Dr. Josephine Dias
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology - Japan

Dr. Matthew T. Eiles
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme - Germany

Dr. Alexander Eisfeld
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme - Germany

Dr. Florian Kogler
Technische Universität Berlin - Germany

Dr. William J. Munro
NTT Basic Research Laboratory - Japan

Dr. Gernot Schaller
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Germany

Dr. Philipp Strasberg
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Spain

Ghassan Abumwis
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme - Germany

Juan Moreno
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme - Germany